Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

We saw the new Wall Street movie over the weekend. I enjoyed it as a sort of historical fiction take on the 2008 market crash. Thank goodness for my MBA in Finance though, or I may not have understood half of what was going on. The acting was also superb. Carey Mulligan is the new Kate Blanchett.


1 comment:

  1. I have loved your quotes about Happiness....
    the plato one above and those cinnamon rolls. Your blog always makes my sad NYC days into happy days cause I know on the left coast I have a friend who is cut from the same cloth as me. I had a fun weekend and you'll enjoy my post about it. Mainly the photos they turned out beautifully.

    Love you much and we really should phone chat soon.

    I want to make a book for you one day too. :)

    and I'll letterpress in it once I take my class.



    oh and ps I went to the market on mulberry Saturday. I also think of you.

    Oh and I was on the fence for this movie. I guess I need to see it.
