Husband and I have recently decided to become cheese snobs. We want to know the difference between all of the fancy dance cheeses and where they come from and what they taste good with.
Just last night, Husband ordered what I am calling our "textbooks." Once we give them a whirl I'll let you know if they are helpful.
So considering our recent goal of cheese snobbery, we I checked up on Joanna this afternoon, I was surprised to see her post about cheese! And then I looked back and noticed her last cheese post that I totally missed.
Weird. Sometimes I wonder if becoming submersed in the blogging world is about sharing individual and unique ideas... Or whether its turning into blogging groupthink and we're all becoming homogenized.
At any rate, you should totally become a cheese snob too. Everybody's doing it.
Marin Cheese Co when you're up here. It'll blow your mind. You know those happy cows the commercials talk about? They live in NorCal.