I think this kid looks awesome and I would love to dress my kids fashionably someday. Is that totally pretentious? Is it cruel? I mean, I'm not going to force them into argyle sweaters and oxfords every day...
Not at all. Favorite photo of Brian (now 21) at age 3 wearing red plaid knickers with red suspenders, white shortsleeve button down shirt with red plaid bowtie and red plaid beret on his little toehead! Was he comfy? Who cares? The picture is adorable! That's what matters! "Pretent" away!
Not at all. Favorite photo of Brian (now 21) at age 3 wearing red plaid knickers with red suspenders, white shortsleeve button down shirt with red plaid bowtie and red plaid beret on his little toehead! Was he comfy? Who cares? The picture is adorable! That's what matters! "Pretent" away!