Let me start by acknowledging that I've been married for a whole big solid two months now. I am infantile in the ways of the eternal relationship. My husband and I have shared a few raised eyebrows over who makes the bed in the morning, but we have not born children together, faced illness, conquered great trials or risen to heights that we never thought possible. Those things will come, I have no doubt, but for now our relationship is founded mostly on hope and faith. Faith in each other, faith that we made the right choice, and faith that God will see us through. Hope for our future, hope that we will rise to the occasion and hope that the changes we experience will be changes for the better.
Sometimes people ask me how I like being married. I enjoy it.
Sometimes people ask me if its been a big adjustment. I suppose it has, though it was an adjustment that I was ready for.
I was reading an article today, however, that encourages men to stop "hanging out" and start dating more. One of the arguments that the author made was that commitment is liberating. The ability to forego transitory flexibility and to focus on the person or the task at hand allows you enormous freedom and an increase of capacity. This sentiment rings true for me.
That is the biggest difference that I feel being married. There is a stability and a profound sense of peace that is not confining, as you might expect, but liberating. There is a foundation of trust and love that expands and broadens my life rather than limiting it.
Commitment is liberating. That's how I feel about marriage.
So here we are at the very beginning. And on we go...
Honey I really liked this posting. Thank you for writing it.