My roommate from New York, Sarah, writes a wonderful blog called Sarahnaded. In it she shares funny, touching, beautiful, and often insightful thoughts and stories about her life as a nanny and student and girlfriend in New York City. Her blog is very well written and I highly recommend it. Just be warned that you will most likely fall in love with this girl and her frank, open honesty in three posts or less.
She recently posted this series of videos that had me glued, wide-eyed to the computer screen.
Like all of them we are doing our best to pursue our passions and to be a better person everyday. Being dedicated to a belief system doesn't turn you into an automaton, in fact, I find that it enriches the unique and wonderful talents and attributes that are already there.
People used to ask me all of the time, "Are you Mormon?," in an almost accusatory tone that I never understood. I always responded, "I am a lot of things, and yes, Mormon is one of them."
I am a blogger, a cupcake baker, a scuba diver, a world traveler, a business professional and a wife. My name is Sara Frost and I'm a Mormon.
Alex Boye...
Jeff Decker...
Chris Carlson...
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